Have you just written a groundbreaking mathematics research paper? Want to know where you can send it for publication? Here is a list of the 10 Top Mathematics Journals online.
These journals are well respected by universities and research institutes throughout the world. Each of these mathematical journals has a long history in science publication. The most prestigious ones have been publishing for more than 130 years.
Table of Contents
#1. Journal of the American Mathematical Society

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
The Journal of the American Mathematical Society (JAMS) was first introduced in 1988 . It is a quarterly peer-reviewed mathematical journal published by the American Mathematical Society.
The Journal of the American Mathematical Society has a strict single blind peer-review process[1]. This means the authors of the research paper/s in question aren’t allowed to know who the peer-reviewers are.
While the journal is new, the Society was first formed in 1888. The Society has maintained a publishing program for over a century. It has a reputation as one of the Top Mathematics Journals publishing advanced mathematics research[2].

#2. Publications Mathematiques de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
Publications Mathematiques has won international recognition for publishing landmark research[3]. Major mathematical institutes keep copies of the journal in their libraries[4]. The journal first began publishing in 1959. This was only a year after the founding of the “Institut des hautes études scientifiques” (IHES).
IHES functions in partnership with the University of Paris-Saclay. While publishing first at irregular intervals, it now publishes twice a year.
The journal publishes in 3 different languages throughout the world[5] (French, English and German). Since 2012, the journal has had an open circulation of over 320 printed copies. Hence, not only is it one of the Top Mathematics Journals, it is also a freely accessible one.
Starting in 2021, the journal became fully open access. Hence, its research papers are now freely available online to those who read it. Hence, there is a processing charge of £2310.00/$3385.00/€2750.00[6] for each article accepted for publication.

#3. Inventiones Mathematicae

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
First published in 1966[7], the Inventiones Mathematicae ranks as one of the Top Mathematics Journals in the world. The journal adheres to a policy of publication within four months of acceptance.[8]
The journal’s policy is to make no changes whatsoever once the paper has gone into production. Authors can choose to publish their research as open access. Open access publishing requires a processing charge of £1890.00/$2780.00/€2190.00[9] to do so.

#4. Acta Mathematica

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
Acta Mathematica is one of the oldest and top Mathematics Journals in the world. It was first published in 1882[10]. The journal has been publishing mathematical research for the last century. It has remained in active publication since 1944.
Fields Medal-winning mathematician Cedric Villani sings its praises.
Some consider Acta Mathematica to be the most prestigious mathematical journal in the world. In the book “Birth of a Theorem”, Cedric Villani cites his own story relating to the journal. He published Fields Medal-winning research in the journal after all.[11]
It is a completely open access journal. The journal’s most famous episode was early in its publication. Henri Poincare, the famous mathematician, published a paper on the stability of the solar system. He received a prize from the King Oscar II of Sweden for the work.

#5. Duke Mathematical Journal

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
Duke University publishes the Duke Mathematical Journal. It has been in active publication since 1935.[12] Several celebrated mathematicians founded the Duke Mathematical Journal. These include David Widder, Arthur Coble, and Joseph Miller Thomas.
The first issue included a paper by Solomon Lefschetz. The journal publishes 18 times per year.[13] It ranks as one of the 10 top mathematics journals in the world.
The journal is available through subscription access only. However, the frequency of its publication allows Duke Mathematical Journal to remain ahead. It publishes the most important discoveries in mathematics.

#6. American Journal of Mathematics

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
Johns Hopkins University Press publishes this journal. It is the oldest mathematical journal on this list. It is the oldest continuous mathematics journal in publication in the western hemisphere.[14]
The journal has established itself as one of the top mathematics journals in the world. Its broad appeal allows it to cover articles in all sub-fields of contemporary mathematics.
The journal publishes twice a month (24 times a year). The journal is cited as a basic reference in academic libraries in the United States.
The journal published its most famous article in 1958. It was a paper by Nobel Prize-winning Mathematician/Economist John Nash. The title was “Continuity of solutions of parabolic and elliptic equations”.[15]

#7. Journal of the European Mathematical Society

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
This is the official journal of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). It has been in publication since 1999. Though new, its prestige stems from the EMS itself. Its roots, thus, make it one of the top mathematics journals in the world.
The EMS founded JEMS to promote interdisciplinary work within the community of mathematicians. It also seeks to preserve unity across the fields of pure and applied mathematics.[16]
The journal employs an international board of editors and associate editors. They all have distinguished credentials and outstanding quality interests. At times, the journal publishes survey papers, which contain topics of exceptional interest.

#8. Biometrika

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
The Oxford University Press publishes Biometrika for the Biometrika Trust. It was first published in 1901. The founding members were celebrated mathematicians. These included Francis Galton, Karl Pearson, and Raphael Weldon. Weldon was the founder of biometry (now biostatistics).
The journal Biometrika covers the sub-field of statistics[17] within mathematics. The journal does publish papers in bordering fields at times. Its specificity and prestige makes it one of the top mathematics journals.
The journal’s initial focus was only on statistical theory. A subset was the focus on biological problems. However, it has since become a “journal of statistics”.
The journal originally appeared quarterly. In 1977, the journal’s frequency changed to 3 times per year. It went back to a quarterly publication in 1992.

#9. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Wiley-Liss publishes the Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics journal. It was first published in 1948[18]. It is a monthly scientific journal. It covers research originating from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
The Courant Institute is the mathematics research school at New York University. It is one of the most prestigious mathematics schools and research centers in the world.[19]
Richard Courant founded the institute. He was a mathematician and author of various textbooks. These were widely used by physics and mathematics students worldwide.
The journal is committed to mathematical contributions to sciences. It deals in both theoretical and practical applications.

#10. Acta Numerica

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Acta Numerica was first published in 1992. The journal widely publishes summaries of recent advances in the sub-field of numerical analysis[20]. The journal publishes annually. It consists of both review and survey articles from authors.
Cambridge University Press publishes the journal. It has been one of the top mathematics journals as ranked by MathSciNet in the last two years.[21]
The journal covers the breadth of numerical analysis.
It publishes the most recent advances using state-of-the-art techniques. It includes the sub-fields of optimization, linear algebra, and stochastic analysis. It also covers approximation theory, partial differential equations, and nonlinear dynamical systems.
The journal also covers the application of computational techniques in engineering and science. It also contains papers on mathematical theories underlying numerical methods.

Final Word
The top mathematics journals in the world listed here publish a variety of research on mathematics. They include the most well-revered classic journals of the nineteenth century. They also contain the most prestigious, newly published journals of the 21st century.
The institutions at their roots maintain a strict publication process. This guarantees continuous circulation and distribution. This way, they publish the most current and cutting-edge mathematical research.
This is why their impact factors are so high and they remain the top mathematics journals in the world.
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[1] https://www.ams.org/publications/journals/journalsframework/jamssubmit
[2] https://www.ams.org/publications
[3] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=11700154368&tip=sid&clean=0
[4] https://publons.com/journal/66304/publications-mathematiques-de-lihes/
[5] https://www.ihes.fr/en/library/les-publications-mathematiques-de-lihes/
[6] https://www.springer.com/journal/10240/submission-guidelines
[7] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=23262&tip=sid&clean=0
[8] https://www.springer.com/journal/222
[9] https://www.springer.com/journal/222/open-access-publishing#Fees%20and%20Funding
[10] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=24527&tip=sid&clean=0
[11] https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/23257776-birth-of-a-theorem
[12] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=25936&tip=sid&clean=0
[13] https://www.dukeupress.edu/duke-mathematical-journal
[14] https://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/american-journal-mathematics
[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notices_of_the_American_Mathematical_Society
[16] https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/PL00011160
[17] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=15049&tip=sid&clean=0
[18] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=25820&tip=sid&clean=0
[19] https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings-articles/university-subject-rankings/top-universities-mathematics-2019
[20] https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/acta-numerica#
[21] https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/acta-numerica/information/instructions-contributors
The omission of Annals of Mathematics or Crelle’s Journal is a joke.
Please add new MDPI journals, such as Mathematics and Cancers, to your site.
Lol Annals of math not listed in top 10 math journals. Such a burn.