Are you looking for top Business Management and Accounting journals?
You are at the right place. Here we will review the top-ranked journals. The journals listed here have a high impact score. Publishing in the journals will help you get noticed by experts in the field.
Table of Contents
#1. Academy of Management Annals

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Academy of Management Annals is a top-ranked business management journal. It publishes detailed reviews of recent advances in business management. Rutledge is the publisher of the company. It was founded in 2007 and published biannually in January and July [1].
The journal publishes review papers on business management-related topics. It also publishes papers that examine the latest advances in the management field.
Academy of Management Annals accepts proposals that are no more than 5 pages (single-spaced). Figures, tables, and references are not included in the page limit. Once the proposal is accepted, you can submit a full article of up to 25,000 words for publication.
The journal published 31 works and received 1648 citations in 2020 [2]. It is a subscription-based non-open access journal. No fee is charged for publishing in this top business management journal.

#2. Journal of Management

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Journal of Management is a top-ranked business management journal. The publisher of the journal is SAGE publications. It is published 8 times a year. The first journal was published in 1975.
It is one of the journals used by Financial Times to publish rankings of business schools [3].
The journal publishes review papers on topics related to business management. It also publishes papers related to the following topics.
- Organizational behavior and theory
- Business strategy & policy
- HR management
- Entrepreneurship
- Research Methods
The journal published 96 works and received 4569 citations in 2020 [4]. The most cited articles of the journal in 2021 include:
- Social Entrepreneurship Research: Past Achievements and Future Promises by Tina Saebi, Nicolai J. Foss, & Stefan Linder
- On Corporate Social Responsibility, Sensemaking, and the Search for Meaningfulness Through Work by Herman Aguinis, & Ante Glavas
- Antecedents and Outcomes of Objective Versus Subjective Career Success: Competing Perspectives and Future Directions by Daniel Spurk, Andreas Hirschi, & Nicky Dries
You can publish articles that are up to 50 pages long. No fee is charged to publish in this Open Access journal [5]. The review time for the submitted articles is 90 days [6].

#3. Journal of Accounting Research

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Journal of Accounting Research is a popular journal that was first published in 1963. Wiley-Blackwell publishes this journal five times per year.
The journal publishes papers on accounting and related fields such as economics and statistics. It accepts papers on auditing, financial reporting, taxation, investment, information economics, and more. Financial Times uses this journal among others to rank business schools.
Prospective authors have to pay $500 for each submission [7]. The most cited works published in the journal in 2021 include:
- What Are You Saying? Using topic to Detect Financial Misreporting by Nerissa C. Brown, Richard M. Crowley, & W. Brooke Elliott
- Strategic Subsidiary Disclosure by Scott D. Dyreng, Jeffrey L. Hoopes, Patrick Langetieg, & Jaron H. Wilde
Journal of Accounting Research published 30 works and was cited 522 times in 2020 [8].

#4. Journal of Accounting and Economics

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Journal of Accounting and Economics is a bimonthly accounting journal. Elsevier is the publisher of the journal. It was first published in 1979.
The journal publishes papers that use economic analysis to solve accounting issues [9].
Prospects have to pay $500 submission fees for publishing each paper. Article publishing charge for the open-access option is $3780, exclusive of taxes. No fee is charged if published through the subscription option.
Journal of Accounting and Economics published 45 works and received 85 citations in 2020 [10]. Papers submitted to the Journal of Accounting and Economics take about 2.4 weeks for approval.

#5. Accounting Review

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Accounting Review is one of the top accounting journals. The bimonthly journal has been in publication since 1926. It is one of the oldest accounting research journals. The journal’s publisher is American Accounting Association.
The journal accepts papers on all accounting-related subjects [11]. The early publications were written for accounting professionals. But in the 1980s the focus shifted to academic scholars with a preference for papers with mathematical rigor. Financial Times includes this journal in its ranking of business schools.
Accounting Review accepts manuscripts after payment of a submission fee. The fee is $250 for AAA members and $500 for non-members. No publication fee is charged.
The journal published 47 works and was cited 3424 times in 2020 [12].

#6. British Accounting Review

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
British Accounting Review is a top accounting journal in publication since 1969. The publisher of the journal is Elsevier. It is published quarterly each year.
The journal publishes papers related to accounting and finance. Prospects can publish articles through open-access or subscription options. No fee is charged for the latter. The fee for the open-access option is $2520.
The journal’s most-cited works include [13]:
- The role of internet-related technologies in shaping the work of accountants: New directions for accounting research by Jodie Moll & Ogan Yigitbasioglu
- Should investors include Bitcoin in their portfolios? A portfolio theory approach by Emmanouil Platanakis & Andrew Urquhart
- The role of auditing in the fight against corruption by Kim K. Jeppesen
The journal published 44 works and was cited 648 times in 2020 [14].

#7. Academy of Management Review

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Academy of Management Review is a popular business management journal. The Academy of Management publishes this journal quarterly. It publishes the journal in January, April, July, and October [15].
The journal is included in the Financial Times list for ranking business schools. Additionally, UT Dallas uses this and 24 other journals to rank business schools’ productivity [16].
Academy of Management Review aims to encourage conceptual research regarding management and organizations. It accepts papers that advance a theory leading to knowledge-based claims that can be tested. The theories can be grounded in natural science disciplines including:
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Economics
- Social psychology
No fee is charged for the submission of proposals. The journal published 54 works and was cited 1374times in 2020 [17].

#8. Journal of Operations Management

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Journal of Operations Management is a monthly business management journal. It was first published in 1981. Elsevier was the original publisher. But it transferred to Wiley in 2019 [18].
The journal publishes papers related to operations and supply chain management. It is one of the journals Financial Times uses to rank business schools. The most-cited works include:
- On Doing Relevant and Rigorous Experiments: Review and Recommendations by Sirio Lonati, Bernardo F. Quiroga, Christian Zehnder, & John Antonakis
- Judgmental Selection of Forecasting Models by Fotios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Kourentzes, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, & Enno Siemsen.
The journal published 48 works and received 662 citations in 2020 [19]. Prospects can publish through the OnlineOpen option by paying $3,000. The alternative is the free subscription option.

#9. Review of Accounting Studies

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Review of Accounting Studies is a quarterly journal. Springer is the publisher of the journal. It has been in circulation since 1996. The journal accepts scholarly papers on any accounting topic.
Prospects can submit articles through the Gold Open Access or Subscription option. The article processing charge for the open access option is $2780. No fee is charged for the subscription publication method.
The journal published 42 works and received 589 citations in 2020 [20].

#10. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice is an interdisciplinary business management journal [22]. Sage Publications publishes this journal twice a month. It is also included in the Financial Times list of 50 journals used for ranking business schools.
The journal published 96 works and received 1911 citations in 2020 [23]. The most cited papers in the past 3 years include:
- Crafting High-Impact Entrepreneurial Orientation Research: Some Suggested Guidelines by Jeffrey G. Covin, William J. Wales
- Institutions and Entrepreneurship Quality by Farzana Chowdhury, David B. Audretsch, Maksim Belitski
The journal accepts empirical research related to business ownership. Prospects can publish articles that are up to 40 pages. No fee is charged for publishing in this journal.

Final Words
The top business management and accounting journals reviewed above are highly esteemed in the field. Your articles get more views by publishing in these journals. Also, it will help you advance in your scholarly career.
Make sure that you read about the guidelines before publishing. Most journals accept short manuscripts for review. You should submit your research proposal in various journals. This will improve the chances of your paper getting accepted in one of the top journals.
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[1]. – Academy of Management Annals description
[2]. – Publication history of Academy of Management Annals
[3]. – List of Journals used in Financial Times ranking of business schools
[4]. – Publication history of Journal of Management
[5]. – About publication fees for Sage Journals
[6]. – Journal of Management description
[7]. – Guidelines for publication in Journal of Accounting Research
[8]. – Publication history of Journal of Accounting Research
[9]. – About Journal of Accounting and Economics
[10]. – Publication history of Journal of Accounting and Economics
[11]. – About Accounting Review journal
[12]. – Publication history of Accounting Review
[13]. – About British Accounting Review journal
[14]. – Publication history of British Accounting Review
[15]. – About Academy of Management Review journal
[16]. – UT Dallas business school ranking by Journal.
[17]. – Publication history of Academy of Management Review
[18]. – About Journal of Operations Management
[19]. – Publication history of Journal of Operations Management
[20]. – About Review of Accounting Studies
[21]. – Publication history of Review of Accounting Studies
[22]. – About Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
[23]. – Publication history of Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
How to publish the articles?