Meta Title: Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences JournalsMeta Description: Want to make a splash in the Agricultural and Biological Sciences Sciences? Here are the 1o top Agricultural And Biological Sciences journals in the world. Focus Keyword: top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals |
Are you looking to publish a paper in a top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals? Do you want as many people to see it as possible? Well, these are the most respected journals in the Agricultural and Biological sciences.
If you publish in any one of them, the world’s best experts in Agricultural And Biological sciences will take notice.
So, here is a list of the 10 top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
#2. Annual Review of Plant Biology 5
#5. Molecular Biology and Evolution 11
#6. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease 13
#7. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15
#8. Physics of Life Reviews 17
#10. Annual Review of Entomology 21
Table of Contents
#1. Ecology Letters

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Ecology Letters first came out in 1998. Wiley-Blackwell publishes it every month[1]. The journal is also sponsored by the French National Centre for Scientific Research. It’s one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes articles about the latest research in ecology. This includes ecology of all taxa, in any biome and geographic area. Priority is given to papers which explore or test clearly stated hypotheses. It is completely open access[2].
The journal is indexed by different organizations including CAB Health, Academic Search Premier and The Zoological Record.
The Journal supports open access publishing of 2 types. There is hybrid open access which publishes your article immediately for free. This is also for those people who are not subscribed. You will have to pay a publication charge for this.
The second type is Green Open Access. Here, the author or publisher can place a version of their article online. This can only occur after publishing in the Journal.

#2. Annual Review of Plant Biology

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.
The Annual Review of Plant Biology first came out in 1950[3]. It first came out as the Annual Review of Plant Physiology. The journal got its current name in 2001. Annual Reviews publishes it once every year. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes review articles about the most recent literature on plant biology and physiology. This includes cell biology, genomics, genetics, molecular biology, and more.
The policy of the Review Journal is to integrate and synthesize knowledge for the progress of science. The journal publishes reviews which have historical context and highlights major questions about the field[4].
The audience of the journal is made up of researchers who want the latest research in their fields. The audience also includes students, journalists, businesspersons, and policy makers.

#3. Conservation Letters

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Conservation Letters first came out in 2008. It is the official journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. It supports open access. Wiley-Blackwell publishes it once every other month[5]. This means 6 issues come out every year.
Several organizations index the journal including BIOSIS Previews and Biological Abstracts. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes peer reviewed articles with empirical and theoretical research about conservation of biological diversity. The journal takes submissions from all branches of biological and social sciences. It encourages submissions from interdisciplinary fields. The journal encourages the advancement of practical goals for conservation[6].
You can upload your manuscripts to the ScholarOne Manuscripts site. You have to provide separate files for text, tables, and figures and other supporting information. Make sure you submit text in an editable format. All figures submitted have to be at least 300 DPI.

#4. Fungal Diversity
(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.)
Fungal Diversity first came out in 1998. It is an international journal which publishes research on all branches of mycology[7]. This includes biodiversity, phylogeny, fungi, including lichens, and more. The journal supports open access publishing[8]. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
Springer Netherlands publishes it regularly every year. There is no set publication frequency. It is the official journal of the Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The institute is based in Yunnan, southwestern China.
All work submissions should be original. It should not be under consideration for publication in any other journal. Any figures, tables, text passages, etc. should only be submitted after permission is obtained from copyright owners.
The Abstract should be 150-250 words long [9] and should not contain any undefined abbreviations. You also have to provide 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes.
You can submit your manuscripts completely online. All source files should be editable. If not, this can cause unnecessary delays in the review and production process.

#5. Molecular Biology and Evolution

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.
Molecular Biology and Evolution first came out in 1983[10]. It is the official journal of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. The Oxford University Press publishes it every month. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes research on molecular and evolutionary biology. This includes the full breadth of taxonomy and genomic organization and phenotypes. As of 2021, the journal has become fully open access. All articles accepted for publication since August 2020 are accessible to the public.
The submissions to the journal are reviewed by a team of 60 editors[11]. Associate Editors also solicit external peer reviews using the single blind review process.
Articles which receive the highest publication priority are published after one week of acceptance[12].
#6. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.
The Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease first came out in 2006[13]. It is an official journal of Annual Reviews. The organization publishes it once every year. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes research about the study of disease mechanisms. It seeks to publish analytical methodologies for pathology. The journal encourages submissions of any research on the progression and initiation of human disease. The audience for the journal includes researchers, students, journalists, and policy makers.
The journal reviews all submissions through a committee of recognized experts in relevant fields. Every committee has an editor or co-editor[14]. It also has 1-3 Associate Editors and 5-6 regular members. There are also guest members.
The review process makes sure that all articles will be of value to a large audience. The goal is to publish articles which are useful to the largest audience. This includes ensuring that the articles are well organized and have illustrations and tables.

#7. Trends in Ecology and Evolution

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution first came out in 1996[15]. It is the highest cited journal in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes readable and concise reviews and commentary on fields like ecology and evolutionary science. It is a very good resource of the latest research for researchers, teachers, field workers and students[16].
It comments on the most recent trends in ecology and evolutionary biology. Prospective authors can submit their articles or proposals on their official website. THey can also send them through email to the current editor.
All the submissions to the journal have to be readable and accessible to researchers. All articles have to go through a rigorous editing and review process before publication.

#8. Physics of Life Reviews

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here.
Physics of Life Reviews first came out in 2004. Elsevier publishes it once every four months. It is one of the top Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
It publishes articles on biological systems, related fields, artificial life, and robotics. It also includes reviews about AI and mathematical bio-semiotics[17].
The audience of the journal considers it one of the unifying forces across disciplines. It addresses all living systems including artificial intelligence. This way, the parallels become easier to explore.
The active researcher can keep themselves informed about all the latest information concerning living systems. The journal focuses on methods to make mathematical models to unify different areas of physics as well.
The time to first decision is an average of 1.1 weeks[18]. The Review time is 1.1 weeks as well. The publication time after acceptance is an average of 0.5 weeks.

#9. Genome Biology

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here
Genome Biology first came out in 2000. BioMed Central publishes it continuously[19]. It has no exact publication frequency. The journal is completely open access. It’s one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world.
The journal publishes articles on everything from biology to biomedicine. The journal is third on the list of best research journals in Genetics and Heredity. However, it is at the top when it comes to open access journals[20].
You can submit your articles to the journal through a 3 step process[21]. You need to ensure that your article is readable and accurate and understand the copyright agreement. You also have to make sure your article is in line with the subjects the journal associates with frequently.
Every submission goes through a system of transparent peer review. The reports go through publication with the final article like an additional file. The review process is single-blind.

#10. Annual Review of Entomology

You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here
The Annual Review of Entomology first came out in 1956[22]. It is an official journal of the Annual Reviews. It is a project of the Entomological Society of America in connection with Annual Reviews.
The journal publishes articles on everything from entomology to insect physiology and morphology, and more. It is one of the Top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals in the world. It also deals with vectors of plant disease, genomics, genetics, and biogeography.
The journal has a wide audience of researchers, students, and policy makers. Anyone who wants to stay up to date with the latest research on entomology can read it[23].
The journal encourages the publication of well-supported and even controversial research.
You can submit your article to the journal via its editorial team. It consists of 5-6 regular members and 103 associate editors.

Final Word
The Agricultural And Biological Sciences journals listed above cover a variety of topics in many different fields. Each one possesses a high impact score. However, these journals are best suited for certain types of research.
It is best to understand each journal’s specialty before deciding where to publish your paper. We hope the above list proves helpful in your search for the top Agricultural And Biological Sciences Journals.
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[15] Science research portal
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