Nigeria to Establish AI and Blockchain Innovation Hubs Nationwide

Nigeria to Establish AI and Blockchain Innovation Hubs Nationwide

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Nigeria plans to set up state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and blockchain research hubs nationwide, enhancing the country’s position as a technological innovation leader.

Short Summary:

  • Nigeria announces nationwide AI and blockchain hubs.
  • Targeted research areas include AI, IoT, UAVs, and robotics.
  • 3MTT program aims to train three million Nigerians by 2027.

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has announced ambitious plans to establish advanced research centers for emerging technologies across Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones. These centers will focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain technology, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), additive manufacturing, and robotics.

Announced by Kashifu Inuwa, NITDA’s Director-General (represented by Aristotle Onumo, Director of Corporate Planning and Strategy), at the IoT West Africa Conference held in Lagos, this initiative is part of the agency’s plan to foster a robust technology research ecosystem. It aims to create innovation sandboxes where entrepreneurs can develop practical applications, establish businesses, and bring innovations to the market.

“Our initiative aligns with our mission to create a supportive ecosystem for technology innovations. These research centers will drive advancements in various emerging sectors, establishing Nigeria as a technological hub,” Inuwa stated.

The establishment of these hubs goes beyond theoretical research. It aims to directly support Nigerian startups developing products in these high-tech fields. This support will not only nurture local talent but also catalyze Nigeria’s standing in the global tech arena.

Among the significant initiatives NITDA is backing is the Federal Government’s 3 Million Technical Talent (3MTT) program. Launched in November 2023 by Bosun Tijani, the Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, this program targets training three million Nigerians by 2027. The initiative seeks to arm the workforce with technical skills crucial for mitigating talent migration while leveraging increased remittances for economic growth.

During the IoT West Africa Conference, the synergy between emerging technologies and economic growth was emphasized. The conference, which was co-located with the Africa Data Center and Cloud Expo Africa, showcased Nigeria’s burgeoning IoT market. It highlighted the nation’s potential to attract investments and support local startups.

“Nigeria’s large youth population and thriving startup ecosystem make it an ideal candidate to be Africa’s next Silicon Valley,” said Shitij Taneja, Managing Director of Vertex Next.

This sentiment was resonated by other industry leaders who attended the event. The conference underscored Nigeria’s essential role in driving technological adoption and economic growth within the region, presenting Lagos as a strategic technological hub.

The Nigerian government has also taken significant strides to advance its AI capabilities by launching its first multilingual large language model (LLM). This project, undertaken in collaboration with local AI firms including NITDA and the National Centre for AI and Robotics (NCAIR), will be trained in five low-resource languages and accented English. Fellows from the 3MTT program will support this initiative, aiming to enhance Nigeria’s AI development landscape.

The launch of these research hubs is a critical step toward Nigeria positioning itself as a leader in AI and blockchain technologies in Africa. The support extended to startups through innovation sandboxes will be instrumental in fostering a vibrant tech ecosystem, propelling the country into a new era of digital economy and AI partnerships.

Speaking on the occasion, Bosun Tijani emphasized the significance of such initiatives in bridging the digital divide and ensuring inclusive growth. He lauded the efforts of NITDA in creating opportunities for young Nigerians to engage in the global technological dialogue.

“Our commitment to training technical talents under the 3MTT program is not just about skills development; it’s about creating a future where Nigeria stands at the forefront of innovation,” Tijani remarked.

This approach of combining talent development with technological advancements presents a sustainable model for economic growth. It opens up avenues for Nigerian innovators to create solutions that address both local and global challenges.

The conference also highlighted the critical role of data centers in supporting the IoT market. With increasing investments in data centers, Nigeria is positioned to handle the exponential growth in data generation and processing required by emerging technologies.

The IoT West Africa Conference served as a platform for knowledge exchange and networking, drawing attention to the innovative strides Nigeria is making in the tech sector. The event contributed to cementing Nigeria’s status as a tech powerhouse on the African continent.

Inuwa concluded the announcement with a forward-looking statement, emphasizing the long-term impact of these initiatives on Nigeria’s technological landscape.

“These research centers are not just about today; they represent our commitment to a future where Nigeria is synonymous with innovation and technological excellence,” Inuwa concluded.

For SJ, having a deep connection with the research community, it is heartening to see these developments. As someone who appreciates the complexities and triumphs in the journey of research, there’s a poetic justice in these new tech hubs flourishing in Nigeria, a nation of vibrant youth and untapped potential. Such initiatives pave the way for a new dawn of African innovation, one that is rich with possibilities and transformative impacts.

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SJ Tsai
Chief Editor. Writer wrangler. Research guru. Three years at scijournal. Hails from a family with five PhDs. When not shaping content, creates art. Peek at the collection on Etsy. For thoughts and updates, hit up Twitter.

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