This article aims to show you the simplest and easiest way to write the degree celsius symbol in LaTeX.
In the vast list of many mathematical symbols you can create using LaTeX, we have today’s protagonist the degree celsius symbol. Today you will learn more about it and how to write it in your LaTeX document
Degree Symbol
The degree sign or degree symbol is a typographical symbol, used in many fields, such as geography, math, physics and engineering. It is represented by a small circle with an empty center, used to denote degrees of a right angle in math, to represent degrees of arc in geography, or to denote degrees of temperature.

Today we will focus on using this symbol to denote degrees of temperature in the Celsius scale. This is the most common use that the degrees symbol has. Remember that we can also apply all these concepts and ideas to the Fahrenheit scale.
Degree Celsius Symbol in LaTeX
Now, the degree celsius symbol we know is composed of two elements, the small circle followed by the letter C. We will call the degree celsius symbol “the degree symbol or sign” from now on.
To write the degree symbol in LaTeX you have four different methods with various packages, with only one method not involving external packages. Independently of the method you prefer, you will need to write the commands inside math mode.
The first method does not require packages, we will use the command ^{\circ}. This is the superscript command ^, with the \circ command as argument. The output is only a small circle, thus you need to write the letter C next to it. For example
The command \verb|^{\circ}|: $^{\circ}$C

Starting with the methods with packages, the first one is using the siunitx package. We will need to first, write the command \si next to the number and then {\degree} or {\degreeCelsius}, to generate the small circle and the letter C. Let’s see how it would look like
$45\si{\celsius}$ + $90\si{\degreeCelsius}$ $\neq$ $135\si{\celsius}$
%we write first \si then {\celsius} or {\degreeCelsius}

Note: the % indicates comments in your LaTeX code, it will not be compiled once you run the file.
The second option is using the textcomp package, this package allows you to write proper degree symbols either in text mode. We use the \textdegree command or \textcelsius, the former does not generate the C automatically while the latter does . For example
\verb|\textdegree|: 0\textdegree C \\ % we need to add the letter C
\verb|\textcelsius|: 0\textcelsius \\ %we do not need to add the letter C

The third and last option is using the gensymb package, this package only creates the degree symbol without the letter C, so you have to write it manually. We use the \degree command inside the math mode to generate the desired output,
The human body has a \\
average temperature of $36.7\degree$C
% we have to write manually C

These methods are the most common ones to write proper degree symbols using LaTeX packages. Sadly for some reason the amsmath package does not include this symbol directly, maybe someone on the internet has the answer about it.
I hope this post was helpful in guiding you, and as always keep writing in LaTeX.
All images were created in LaTeX by the author.
Further Reading
LaTex Tutorial on Symbols
- How To Create A Cross Product Symbol In LaTeX
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- How to create the empty set symbol in LaTeX?
- How to write a degree symbol in LaTeX?
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