If you are looking for Top nursing journals to publish your research, you can look to these 10 journals. All of these Top nursing journals have been publishing research for over 2 decades. Some of them are even the official journals of nursing bodies and institutions.
They all have anonymized review processes. Some of them even offer open access publishing. If you want to get your paper published in the field of nursing or healthcare, these are the Top nursing journals to go for.
Table of Contents
#1. International Journal of Nursing Studies

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The International Journal of Nursing Studies publishes studies on health care delivery, workforce, policy and research methods[1], etc.
The journal was first published in 1963 and came out once every 3 months. This changed in later years. Today, it comes out monthly. The journal has a very efficient review process.
If you submit a paper, you can get your first decision in 4 weeks. If your paper is accepted, you can see it in the journal after 2 weeks[2].
Nursing and healthcare professionals all around the world read the IJNS journal. The journal also has an open access companion journal. It is the International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances. This contains excellent original research as well.

#2. Appetite

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Appetite comes out once a month and is more than 40 years old[3]. It began in 1980 and covers animals and humans and eating and drinking disorders. Nursing and healthcare professionals read the journal all around the world.
It has research papers on everything from physiology and psychology to sensory sciences. True to its name, it focuses on the effects of eating and drinking and nutrition on the human body.
This includes how food and drink affect physical and mental health. There are also papers in the journal from time to time on the history of food cultures. You can even find papers that talk about the different appetites of cultures.
If you submit a paper to Appetite, the first review can take more than 40 days[4]. There is no average time limit for acceptance.

#3. Journal of Nursing Scholarship

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The Journal of Nursing Scholarship comes out twice a month. It is the official journal of Sigma Theta Tau International.[5] The latter is the second-largest nursing organization in the world.
It contains papers on nursing research and other healthcare issues. It comes out six times per year. The aim of the journal is to advance knowledge and improve the health of the world’s people.
It first began in 1967. The name changed to “Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship” in 1984. The name changed back to the original in 1999. The journal only accepts manuscripts that are less than 20 pages long. This includes the abstract, pictures, tables, and references.
You can submit more material if you want in the form of “supporting information”. You can hope to receive your first editor decision within 2-3 months of submission. The journal’s editors then double-blind peer review of your paper. If your manuscript is excellent, you will receive an acceptance. There may be some revisions, though.

#4. Journal of Nursing Management

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The Journal of Nursing Management[6] provides a forum for professionals all around the world. Its focus is the changing platform of global healthcare. It accepts papers from all around the world from researchers, academics, practitioners, etc.
The journal focuses on the changing nature of global healthcare. It seeks to inform professionals in the field of nursing. The journal explores and debates current issues in leadership and management[7]. The journal also examines the impact of policy and new regulations.
The journal was first published in 1993. It now publishes twice a month. In total, the number of issues per year is 8.

#5. Nurse Education Today

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Nurse Education Today first came out in 1981. Since then, it has been publishing research to improve health care education. It publishes papers on nursing and midwifery. It values critical debate on issues[8] which can help better health care education.
The journal has an option for open access publishing[9]. This will allow your articles and papers to be available to the public for free. It’s a very good option to get more eyeballs on your work.
Nurse Education Today reviews its submissions through a double-blind process. There is no fixed timeline for editor decisions. There is also no strict timeline for acceptance.

#6. Patient

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Patient comes out every 3 months which means it publishes four times a year[10]. It publishes research papers on therapy implementation evaluation, and new technologies. People read the journal all around the world.
The journal does not charge its authors to publish using the subscription system. Authors can choose to publish their own articles if they would like open access.
You can expect the first editor decision after 22 days of your submission. It takes 114 days on average for acceptance.
You can also choose to publish your paper with open access publishing[11]. This can get you up to 60% more citations for your paper. It also guarantees you up to 4 times the downloads and 2.5X greater impact. You will need to pay a fee of £2560.00/$3860.00/€3060.00 for open access publishing.

#7. Journal of Advanced Nursing

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The Journal of Advanced Nursing began in 1976[12]. The journal covers all different aspects of nursing and healthcare. Its target audience is professionals who want to advance the field of nursing.
The journal publishes every month and is one of the best nursing journals in the world.
There is no average time limit for a first editor decision[13]. There is also no time limit for acceptance after submission.
You can also submit discursive articles to the journal. They have to be under 8000 words long. If you submit a standard research paper then it should have a 300 word abstract. You should also prepare references according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

#8. Australian Critical Care

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Australian Critical Care publishes twice a month[14]. It is the official journal of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses. It publishes research and reviews and articles for nursing professionals. Its main audience is people working in critical care.
The journal first came out in 1988. Every paper submitted to the journal has to go through a double-blind review.
The journal values shorter papers to engage its readers. So, papers between 2000 and 3500 words in length[15] are more likely to gain acceptance. This guideline does not include figures, tables, and references.
You can also submit more material for your papers in the form of supplementary files. If your paper does not meet these requirements, you can write a letter to the Editor.

#9. Nursing Outlook

(You can find the scientometric data on our database here.)
Nursing Outlook comes out twice a month and publishes papers on current issues. These include nursing practice, research, education, and challenges to the nursing profession. It is the official journal of the American Academy of Nursing. It is also the official journal of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science.
Nursing Outlook guidelines tell authors to limit their submissions to 4500 words. Authors are also asked to limit their tables to 4 and author credentials to 3[16]. You can also submit more materials for your paper using supplementary materials.
Nursing Outlook reviews papers through a double anonymized process. Nursing Outlook has an average first decision timeline of 2 to 2.5 weeks. It also has an acceptance timeline of 3-4 weeks[17]. This means that you can expect your paper to complete the review process in over a month.

#10. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing

(You can find the scientometric data on our database here.)
This journal is the official journal of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc[19] began in 1992.
The journal publishes papers on new trends and developments in mental health practice. It also provides a discussion forum for exchanging ideas on issues of mental health.
The journal informs its target audience of relevant issues to improve healthcare policy. This includes answering important questions on healthcare and management[19].
The journal can be found online. It came out with its last physical copy in December 2015.

Final Thoughts
These Top nursing journals all have very strict review processes. This means they are also very well respected throughout the world. Hence, if you want your paper to get noticed in the field of healthcare or nursing, these are all great options.
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[1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-journal-of-nursing-studies
[2] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-nursing-studies
[3] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/appetite
[4] Scientific Database
[5] https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/15475069/about/forauthors
[6] https://www.wiley.com/en-au/Journal+of+Nursing+Management-p-9780JRNL62453
[7] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/13652834/homepage/productinformation.html
[8] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/nurse-education-today
[9] https://www.elsevier.com/journals/nurse-education-today/0260-6917/guide-for-authors
[10] https://www.springer.com/journal/40271
[11] https://www.springer.com/journal/40271/open-access-publishing
[12] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/13652648
[13] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/13652648/homepage/forauthors.html#submission
[14] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/australian-critical-care
[15] https://www.elsevier.com/journals/australian-critical-care/1036-7314/guide-for-authors
[16] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/nursing-outlook
[17] https://www.elsevier.com/journals/nursing-outlook/0029-6554/guide-for-authors
[18] https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=16150&tip=sid
I want to publish my paper in the journal
I want to create a new nursing journal and after I want to publish some articles.
Creating a new nursing journal is a great idea and it requires planning, organization, and hard work. Establish a clear focus, purpose and audience for the journal. Create a team for editing, design, and marketing. Also, consider a budget, subscription fee and the review process for submitted articles. Reach out to potential authors and soliciting articles. Finally, work with a publisher or printer to produce and distribute the journal.