Chemical engineering journals publish different types of studies.
They publish research papers, letters, and review articles. But the topic must specifically be concerned with chemical engineering.
Most top chemical engineering journals accept published papers of great industrial significance. Here we have listed the top peer-reviewed journals to publish your work.
Table of Contents
#1. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (Prog. Energy Combust. Sci.) is an international peer–reviewed journal. Elsevier published this journal. The bimonthly journal was founded in 1975. It is an affiliated journal of the Combustion Institute [1].
The top chemical engineering journal accepts review articles. You can submit papers on combustion science and energy [2]. The topics may include combustion, fuel science and technology, flames, and energy studies.
The journal only publishes review articles [3]. You should submit a one-page summary to the editor. The summary should contain the title, abstract, and TOC. If accepted, you will be invited by the editor to submit your paper.
Authors can publish papers through open-access or subscription options. Open-access publication fee for full-length articles – up to 5,000 words – is $5,200 [4]. The fee for short review articles – up to 2,000 words – is $2,370. There is no fee for publication through the subscription option.
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science published 26 articles in 2020. The total citations during the year were 3,523 [5].

#2. Nature Chemistry

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Nature Chemistry (Nat. Chem.) is one of the top chemical engineering journals that is published monthly [6]. Nature Publishing Group is the publisher of the journal that was founded in 2009.
The journal accepts different types of papers of varying lengths. This includes review articles (up to 6,000 words), commentary articles (up to 2,000 words), research papers, and opinion articles (up to 3000 words each).
It also accepts non-standard papers such as news articles and comments. These can cover topics on the latest advances in any field of chemistry.
Authors have two options to publish their articles. The charge for the open-access option is $11,006. Alternatively, authors can publish through the traditional publishing model for free.
Nature Chemistry published 203 works and was cited 9,958 times in 2020 [7].
#3. Chemical Engineering Journal

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Chemical Engineering Journal (Chem. Eng. J.) is an international journal of research and development. Elsevier is the publisher of this journal. The peer-review journal was founded in 1971.
The bi-monthly journal accepts letters, opinion papers and short articles (up to 3000 words), and full-length articles (up to 10,000 words) [8]. It accepts papers on the following topics.
● Chemical reaction
● Materials synthesis and processing
● Environmental chemical engineering [9]
It is one of the top chemical engineering journals that offer two options to publish papers. The open-access option allows you to make your paper accessible online for free. You will have to pay $3,800 for open-access publication [10]. The alternative is the Subscription option for which no publication fee is charged.
Chemical Engineering Journal published 3,610 articles and total citations were 82,831 in 2020 [11]. The acceptance rate of the journal is 19 percent. It takes 2.8 weeks to reach the first decision. The review time for accepted articles is 4.3 weeks and $5,000 [12]. They published 1410 works and received 4,419 citations in 2020 [12]. Review time for revisions is up to 4 weeks.

#4. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (Appl. Catal. B) is a peer–reviewed journal founded in 1992. The publisher of the journal is Elsevier. It is one of the top chemical engineering journals ranked first in environmental and engineering fields.[13].
The journal does not have any fixed publication frequency. You can publish research articles, reviews, and letters to the editors. No word limit for the papers has been specified by the publisher. You can publish papers on the following topics:
- Catalytic removal of environmental pollutants
- Catalytic pollutant removal in industries
- Manufacturing of environmentally friendly catalysts
- Catalytic combustion technologies
- Photo-catalytic processes
The publisher charges $5,000 for publishing papers through the open-access option. Publishing papers through the traditional subscription option is free.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental published 1,069 works and received 58,547 citations in 2020 [14]. Papers submitted to Applied Catalysis B: Environmental take about 2.7 weeks to reach the first decision. The review time for accepted manuscripts is about 3.9 weeks.

#5. Materials Horizons

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Materials Horizons (Mater. Horiz.) is a peer-reviewed journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. It was founded in 2015.
The bimonthly journal is another top chemical engineering journal. It accepts original papers on materials science interface with chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering [15].
Material Horizons accepts various types of papers. You can submit original research articles, reviews, and comments on published articles. The publisher has not specified any word limit for the articles.
The journal accepts publishing through two options. You can publish for free with the green open-access plan [16]. Under this plan, the accepted manuscript will be available for free after one year. The alternate option is the gold access plan that costs £1,600 per research article. The fee for review-type articles is £2,500 [17].
This top chemical engineering journal published 285 works and was cited 5,731 times in 2020 [18]. It only accepts papers through the open-access option. Papers submitted to Materials Horizons take about 1 week to reach the first decision. The review time for accepted manuscripts is about 4.8 weeks.

#6. ACS Catalysis

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
ACS Catalysis (ACS Catal.) is an international peer–reviewed monthly journal. The publisher of this top Chemical Engineering journal is the American Chemical Society. It was first published in 2011.
The journal serves accept research papers, letters, review articles, and opinion papers. It accepts original research relating molecules and macromolecules on the following topics.
● Homogeneous catalysis
● Heterogeneous catalysis
● Enzymology
● Biocatalysis
ACS Catalysis does not have any word limit for research papers. Researchers must cover the subject with clarity, thoroughness, and completeness. The limit for review articles is 40 pages or about 32,500 words.
The publisher charges an article publication fee ranging between $100 and $5,000 [19]. They published 1410 works and received 4,419 citations in 2020 [20]. Review time for revisions is up to 4 weeks.

#7. Angewandte Chemie – International Edition

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Angewandte Chemie – International Edition (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.) is peer-reviewed weekly journal of the German chemical society Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker. The publisher of the journal is John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The international English edition is one of the top chemical engineering journals first published in 1962 [21].
The journal aims to promote research of general chemistry subjects. It accepts a mixture of research articles, review papers, and opinion papers. Some of the topics that the journal accepts include:
● Organic and inorganic chemistry
● Catalysis
● Bioorganic chemistry
● Supramolecular chemistry
● Computational chemistry
● Bioanalytical chemistry
The journal drew criticism in June 2020 for publishing a controversial article [22]. The article was written by Brock University’s Thomas Hudlicky. It had criticized the preferential treatment of women and minorities. The publisher withdrew the article after the backlash.
The journal published 3,426 works and was cited 114,803 times in 2020 [23]. The journal allows authors to publish through the OnlineOpen option. The fee for the open-access option is $5,000. The Green Open-access allows authors to republish their articles on another website for an additional fee that varies.

#8. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Prost Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews (J. Photochem. Photobiol. C) is the official journal of the Japanese Photochemistry Association. Elsevier publishes this journal monthly. It was first published in 2000.
The journal accepts research papers in the field of photochemistry [24]. It allows authors to publish through a subscription method only that is free. But the articles remain hidden behind a paywall, which may result in fewer citations.
The journal published 12 works and received 848 citations in 2020 [25]. The time from submission to the first decision is 3.3 weeks. The review time of accepted articles is 3.9 weeks. It takes an additional 1.7 weeks to publish the articles.

#9. Chemistry of Materials

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Chemistry of Materials is a peer–reviewed biweekly journal. The American Chemical Society publishes this journal. The journal covers topics related to chemistry and material sciences [26]. It was first published in 1989.
The journal accepts various types of content including research articles, comments, opinion articles, review articles, and methods/protocols. You can publish articles through the open-access option. The standard fees for open-access range between $2000 and $5000 per article.
The journal published 948 works and received 31,367 citations in 2020 [27]. The time from submission to online publication is between 4 to 6 weeks.

#10. Nature Reviews Chemistry

(You can see the history of its scientometric data on our database here)
Nature Reviews Chemistry is a weekly peer–reviewed journal. Springer Nature is the publisher of this journal. It was first published in 2017.
The journal welcomes papers related to general chemistry. It accepts review articles, opinion articles/perspectives, and comments. Some of the chemical engineering-related topics that the journal accepts include the following.
● Chemical biology
● Chemical physics
● Materials science
● Nanotechnology
Nature Reviews Chemistry is a subscription-only journal. It does not offer an open-access option. The journal published 84 works and received 4,402 citations in 2020 [25].

Final Words
The top chemical engineering journals accept articles from different fields. You should read about the author guidelines for publication. Also, you must know the publication charges before sending your work.
Remember that most top-ranked journals publish original studies that display rigorous quality. So, you need to make sure that your research study is thorough and makes novel findings regarding the topic.
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[1]. – Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS) – an affiliated journal of the Combustion Institute
[2]. – About Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS) journal
[3]. – Author guidelines for publication in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS) journal
[4]. – Open-access option for publication in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS) journal
[5]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS)
[6]. – About Nature Communications journal
[7]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Nature Communications
[8] – Author guidelines for publication in Chemical Engineering Journal
[9]. – About Chemical Engineering Journal
[10]. – Chemical Engineering Journal publication options for authors
[11] – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Chemical Engineering Journal
[12]. – Review time of Chemical Engineering Journal for publication of papers
[13]. – About Applied Catalysis B: Environmental journal
[14]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
[15]. – About Materials Horizon journal
[16]. – About publishing options for Materials Horizons
[17]. – Publication fee for Materials Horizons’ gold access option
[18]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Materials Horizon journal
[19]. – About ACS Catalysis publication options.
[20]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of ACS Catalysis journal
[22]. – An article about the paper by Thomas Hudlickly published in Angewandte Chemie jounal.
[23]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Angewandte Chemie – International Edition
[24]. – About Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews journal
[25]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Prost Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews
[26]. – About Chemistry of Materials Journal
[27]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Chemistry of Materials
[28]. About Nature Reviews Chemistry journal
[29]. – Scimago Journal & Country Rank of Nature Reviews Chemistry